The PlayStation 3 does still have online play mainly due to PlayStation Now. There’s really no telling how long it’ll be supported for as for now it’s been considered a legacy system and Sony wants to cut the servers to put their money into someth

Register an account | eBay Select Create account. We’ll use this information to create an account for you and send you an email to confirm account details. Creating an eBay account using Google. If you have a Google account, you can use it to create an eBay account. Here’s how: On the Registration page - opens in new window or tab, select Continue with Google. How can i delete my old psn account from the ps3 to add a I first created an european psn account and began playing with the account with my usual games, then a friend of mine told me that if u made a us psn account you'll get more download features including map packs, so i just want to know how can i delete my old psn account from the ps3 to add a new one in the same user, my user contains all the files and i just want to erase the old one from the Changing a PSN account on PS3 - Arqade

It should transfer easily, since it's not exactly your PS3 account, but rather your SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) account. And SEN is one across all sony platforms. So it SHOULD be as easy as powering up your PS4 and entering your login and password on the sign-in screen.


Mar 19, 2018

Select Create account. We’ll use this information to create an account for you and send you an email to confirm account details. Creating an eBay account using Google. If you have a Google account, you can use it to create an eBay account. Here’s how: On the Registration page - opens in new window or tab, select Continue with Google. How can i delete my old psn account from the ps3 to add a I first created an european psn account and began playing with the account with my usual games, then a friend of mine told me that if u made a us psn account you'll get more download features including map packs, so i just want to know how can i delete my old psn account from the ps3 to add a new one in the same user, my user contains all the files and i just want to erase the old one from the Changing a PSN account on PS3 - Arqade